Tuesday August 28, 2018 starting at 500pm Escambia County Professional Firefighters Local 4131 and the Island Culture Tiki Bar.
Located behind 17 Via de Luna sound side on Beautiful Pensacola Beach Will be hosting the first nights Social and Brotherhood, for the Water On The Fire Conference on Pensacola Beach.
Escambia County Professional Firefighters Local 4131 will be cooking and the Island Culture Tiki Bar will be providing the drinks. Our food will be offeded up as a donation and the money we raise through the donations gathered will go to the building of our union hall.
Our menu for the night will be.
1. “Local 4131 Famous Island Burger” topped with a grilled pineapple and terriaki sauce.
2. “Sunset Strip” All white meat buffalo chicken strip on a toasted bun with onions and your choice of blue cheese or ranch dressing.
3. “Firehouse Fried Fish”
All served with your choice of French fries, hushpuppies and condiments
Food will be served at 500pm and ends at 900pm.
This is open to everyone that is hungry, so come one, come all.
