Know Your Flow

It’s Critical to Know Your
Flow. You must pick a hose and nozzle that fits your department.

I personally like the 7/8 for 3 and 4 person Engine Companies that primarily fight house fires. The 7/8 gets you 150 GPM, with 60+ feet of reach, at only 60 lbs of nozzle reaction. When you think in terms of Gallons Per Second and the nozzle flowing 2.5 GPS and your able to Flow as you go; this is putting more water on the FIRE/in the building, than 185 or 3 GPS, if the nozzle firefighter has to gate/shut down frequently. To really test what works and how much water you can throw; you need to use a flow meter and track the flow while an attack crew pushes into the drill


REALISTIC Attack evaluation for a REALISTIC F I R E!!!

Till next time FLOW WATER



1 thought on “Know Your Flow

  1. No brainier when you look at foot print of extinguishment and expected body of fire in standard room size in residential buildings (400-500 square feet or smaller avg size compartments) most of them 200 sq2 feet or smaller. The 185 flow has its place in some jurisdictions, but in most it is overkill, and cause hesitation in pulling the 2.5-inch when you need it.

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